What's my IP!

Your IP:

  • Remote Port: 40612
  • Request Method: GET
  • Server Protocol: HTTP/1.1
  • Server Host: 18-97-14-81.crawl.commoncrawl.org
  • User Agent: CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)

It took 0.00015687942504883 seconds to share this info.

Your Current IP Address Information:

Hostname 18-97-14-81.crawl.commoncrawl.org
City Ashburn
Zip 20147
Region Code VA
Region Name Virginia
Country Code US
Country Name United States
Continent Name North America

Check for WebRTC Leaks

This page secretly makes requests to STUN servers that can log your request. These requests do not show up in developer consoles and cannot be blocked by browser plugins (AdBlock, Ghostery, etc.). To disable for Chrome install Safescript To disable for Firefox install Disable WebRTC.

Your local IP addresses:

    Your public IP addresses:

      Your IPv6 addresses:


        Check for DNS Leaks https://www.dnsleaktest.com/
        Our VPN servers are configured to use Adblocking DNS servers to block ads and malware which helps you browse more safely and faster. On this note the DNS Leak Tests will look confusing due to this being setup. So as long as its not showing your ISP DNS server's your not leaking DNS and the Multiple DNS servers showing from all over are normal.


        Check out our logless VPN Service and hide your IP address today!